+1 905 767 6398

Driving School Pickering

Achieve your desire to become a safe and efficient driver by enrolling in the right driving lessons from the leading driving school Pickering. Next-Gen Driving School provides you with the best, most affordable, and most flexible packages of BDE lessons in driving. Well-designed courses add up to in-car behind-the-wheel and observation lessons to perfect your driving skills as a driver. Sharpen your driving knowledge and receive your driver’s license efficiently by enlisting yourself for driving classes.

Join NGDS Driving School Pickering

Obtain a driver’s license without stress by joining our effective and efficient driving classes. Join our professional instructors and get the proper guidance both with regards to driving as well as the rules of the road. We offer one-on-one driving lessons from MTO-approved driving instructors who ensure that you gain the experience and knowledge needed to not only pass your driver’s test but also to be a safe and efficient driver. Our training aims to assist our clients in developing the basic competencies that a driver should have irrespective of the car that one is driving. Our lessons will assist you in building up the confidence one requires to drive on any road and this makes our lessons all-inclusive. The knowledge to be gained in the course is safe and efficient driving. You will learn to respond to and handle emergencies.

Learn Your Skills At Best

In Next-Gen Driving School Pickering, our approach is tailored a course for you to address the issues you are experiencing and get rid of them. Have the opportunity to learn driving from Ontario’s most preferred driving school under trainers who take personal time with learners.

At our school, schedules are self-created and classes are taken in the hours convenient for learners. To kick start your journey of learning how to become an expert in driving, you should reserve your course with our professional trainers.

Schedule Your Driving Lessons with Us!

Book our taster lesson and meet your personal driving instructor

+1 (905) 767-6398

Why Pickering Driving School?

Best Safety Measures

At this School, we enlist Highly Qualified Instructors in safety measures and the modern traffic laws to adhere to. Experienced Professional Instructors.

Experienced Professional Instructors

All of our Instructors are properly DMV Licensed, are in a healthy state of mind and body and have ten-plus years of Instruction Experience.

Perfect Chance To Avail

It is time to begin your In Class, Online, or Behind The Wheel Training now.

Reasonable Fee

We understand that this process might be costly. Thus, we always renew ourselves on our competition prices.

Sessional Training as a Class

This is offered through in-classroom driver’s education as well as online driver’s education.

Multiple Payment Plans

Thanks to this, you can choose when and in what manner you want to pay. In regards to payments, we accept any type of payment which is popular around the globe.

Driving Test Requirements

The following legal documents and requirements must be fulfilled to apply for a driving license in Ontario:

  • Proof of identification (must show the applicant’s legal name, date of birth, and signature). Documents must also be genuine and not have expired as expired documents will not be granted.
  • Any of the following legal documents can be presented as proof of identification:
    • Passport
    • Canadian Citizens Card is an additional official document, which is an
    • identity card with a photo.
    • Temporary Immigration Documents
    • Permanent Immigration Documents
  • Complete a vision test and if necessary, a person should put on contact lenses or glasses.
  • Medical Fitness Report/Known Medical Conditions
  • Fee of Application

What Will You Expect To Learn?

You will get a chance to learn the following things in the duration of this course:

  • Information on your automobile or car and some of its parts
  • Laws, regulations, and rules on traffic
  • Road sharing/Cooperative driving
  • Responsibility, respect, and Attitude Towards Environment
  • Paying Attention While Driving
  • Ways of hazard and risk management
  • Roadside safety and precautions

We offer cheap, efficient, and easily accessible driving lessons: Next-Gen is an approved ministry; Beginner Driver Education (BDE) course provider. The best driving school in Pickering provides in-class, online, and driver-side tutorials depending on the customer’s needs.

On its completion, the DLH is issued as evidence of completion and graduation from a BDE course. This will also assist students in scaling down the waiting time from one year to eight months for the G2 road test. Besides, we have a convenient training schedule throughout the year including weekends, evenings, and weekdays. We do not charge for any extra unnecessary clause and our service fee is fairly priced. All our instructors are MTO qualified and we have a high level of student satisfaction.

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How Does It Work?

There are only a few easy steps until your traffic ticket is dismissed, your driving record is clean and your auto insurance rates are safe from increases:

  • Enroll yourself in a court’s approved program
  • Submit your verification documents
  • Make payments
  • Have your tickets dismissed
  • Complete your course

State of Security: Get Educated With The Finest In Next-Gen

Make your life a smooth ride to the future with a competent professional auto-driving school in Pickering. Join NGDS today to discover how effective our specialized tuition can be in advancing you as a driver. Hand in hand, we will turn you into a careful and effective driver.